Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our Info Meeting

Tonight was the informational meeting!  So far we have 17 interested team members with the potential of 5-6 more!  Very exciting but also overwhelming to think of the amount of funds needed to be raised....maybe as much as $40,000!!!  It isn't that I am unrealistic about the large amount that is - but I have to say that I mostly feel excitement to watch God work - to others who can't go join in the mission through prayer and support - to bring our team together as we work toward a common goal.
Next week during my spring break I plan to spend a good amount of time setting a few fundraising opportunities in motion.
Next meeting is April 12th at 7 pm.  We will put together a committee in charge of fundraising and brainstorm and plan multiple events.  We will work on our support letters.
Please be in prayer for every detail and for everyone that God is calling to go.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Excitement Bubbling Up

I must say the excitement and anticipation of the team coming together is building in me today.  I had a handful of adults and high school students express their interest in the mission trip today!!  The informational meeting is THIS Thursday night at 7 p.m.  I have been praying about what to cover at the meeting on Thursday and for God to stir the hearts of those He is calling to go.  I also know that we need a great big step of faith to raise all the support in the next couple of months but I also have vivid memories of God providing in the past so I am excited to watch Him work!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Adventure Begins

I admit...I have never blogged.  The idea of something I have written being out there forever is a little nerve-racking to me.  Did I make a grammatical error?  Did I misspell a word?  Did I reveal too much of my heart that I will be embarrassed or sorry later to expose so much?  But this blog is not about me.  This blog is going to be about the adventure I believe God is going to lead a group of us at CGC (Community Gospel Church) on this summer.  And even though it is only  March and the trip is in July, this adventure actual began more than a year ago.
The CGC youth - Velocity - sponsored a child, Rafael, from El Salvador through Compassion International.  Then I began to dream of a group of us meeting Rafael.  I began to research mission organizations who host short term mission trips to El Salvador and I found Christ for the City.  Christ for the City is an off shoot of an organization I am familiar with called Latin American Mission (My former college roommate and her family were missionaries with LAM).
I am hoping to begin meeting with potential team members in a couple weeks and watch how God puts together a group of us for this adventure He has planned.  I've been excited about those who have already expressed an interest and look forward to watching how God provides for all of us to make this trip of faith.